We have a lot going on right now and this time of year will be especially hectic with Thanksgiving, Christmas, & New Years. It can be a beautiful time and also for some sad and stressful. This morning I woke up thinking of gratitude for so much. We often think about things we have and things we want and don’t give much thought to our health. I got a phone call that really broke my heart and has me thinking in a different way right now. One of our best friends of more than 20 years was deer hunting with his son and had a stroke in the woods. He is in his 40’s!!! We know Heart Disease is a silent killer and often the first warning sign is death! Lonnie would NOT have gone hunting if he felt he was sick!! Thank you God he is alive, but they can’t do surgery because its 100% blockage and surgery will be too risky. Please say a prayer for him and his family.

This all made me really evaluate our Company, products and mission. Are we doing a good enough job of sharing what we have that could possibly help prevent these things? Yes my friend knows what I do, but was I passionate enough to really share enough? Did I fail to reach out strong enough? Believe me Thrive is on its way to them. I wish I would’ve done it sooner.

Yes New Years resolutions will mostly focus on losing weight and that’s all fun and good. How about resolving to take better care of our health and impact the lives of as many people we can.

Think about Lurra Life. The mission is to help us live the best life possible with natural products to Oxygenate, Alkalize, Detox & Nourish our cells and body. They reward us for every step we take and even pay per pound lost!!

I urge you to get passionate about making a difference. Share www.randysstory.com every day to people, It’s really serious as a heart attack!!